Wednesday, 11 February 2015

A Tribute To Scarlet

This is a video I created to remember our beautiful hamster Scarlet.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Sweet Dreams Sweet Scarlet

Unfortunately on the morning of Sunday, February 1st, 2015 I found Scarlet in an eternal sleep. She was safe and warm, curled up in her hidey house when I discovered her, with no signs of trauma or illness. Still, as she was barely 1 1/2 years old and seemed in perfect health the night before, her sudden passing came as quite a shock to us.

We brought Scarlet home in November of 2013. She helped my heart to heal after the passing of our hamster Chandler. Scarlet quickly won us over with her antics - she loved to run and climb and would eagerly greet me at the open cage door for a snuggle and cookie! She rarely sat still and loved to explore! She would run up and down my arms and scurry around excitedly during floor time! It was because of this that we had recently upgraded her 588 square inch home to 784 sq. inches! 

Scarlet had the most beautiful markings! She had a light cream colour around her eyes and a russet coloured behind while the rest of her was a beautiful brown. Her fur was soft and silky and I loved snuggling her. She also had a tiny white patch on her chest that I had only recently noticed!

Photographing Scarlet was always a challenge as she was always on the move! The only thing she loved more than running was food and pouching morsels of her dinner often stopped her just long enough for me to get that perfect shot! 

I miss this sweet ham so much. I feel blessed that I was the one who got to share my life with such a sweet little lady and that she passed peacefully, even if her time with us was too short.

Sweet dreams Scarlet, we love and miss you.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Life With A Golden

Just your typical day with a Golden Retriever who loves all things snuggly and loves to retrieve your things for you....whether you want them or not!